A homestuck fanadventure (wecomic) worked on by myself and 3 strangers over discord untill 1 member (probably chai) deleted the server without warning. I was really happy with our progress but then everyone else just stopped posting? And then it was gone. All of it. The only reason there's anything left is because I made archives to be able to work on it during school. Because I never friended anyone on discord and I'm the only one who ever touched the archives, I have no way of contacting most of the people I was working with. Well, I did find Cobalt's reddit through their comment on the initial post asking for help, but I feel like it's too late to ask now and try to start again. I loved the time I spent working with you all. So vividly do I remember the euphoria of seeing chai's drawing of intera, but that might be perma-lost now, I don't know.
It was fun while it lasted...
Anyways, here's what I accidentally saved:
The profile of the only character I came up with Important conversations ripped directly from the discord Character's opinions of each other Profiles of all of the characters The rough structure of the story Shipping charts (lol) The very first part of the story