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*(Some entries contain disturbing content, mostly pertaining to suicide and/or self-harm, reader's discretion is advised)*
Diary entries:
Introduction, 10/1/2021
I have thought of how to start this project many times. The days I live have become mundane and repetitive, so I decided to keep a journal (not calling it a diary) *(just wait a while, you will eventually, oh, and when text is written between asterisks and parentheses, it's current-me writing)* of what my life was/is like. "Who was this written for?" I'm not sure, *(illegible)* myself to look at a glorified *(glorified?)* timelapse of my handwriting getting progressively worse (optimism at its finest) *(no joke it is the exact same, the only difference it that there's less space between words)* or to anybody who picks up my old ex-pre-algebra-7 that has only been used 4 times just for the sake of reusing it. My name is B-----, -----, ------, A-----. *(I'm sensoring all names. If you want to adress me here, you can call me Pigeon.)*
*These are my thoughts.*
Another Day (one of many), 10/1/2021
As the title suggests, nothing special here. This was written in a middle school cafeteria *(probably shouldn't have led with that)* (in the corner, of course) while I was sitting across from a kid who *(illegible)* about crack cocaine (a public middle school, if you couldn't tell). The band director, Mrs. D-----, announced that we were going to have chairs to estimate our abilities as individuals (not a good thing for me). I think I can get around 7-12th (not terrible, but not great either) because a lot of my fellow trumpets suck... A LOT (I should be fine). I have started many projects like this notebook before, and none have lasted for more than a week.
*I'm not hopeful.*
Thoughts (part of a part), 10/4/2021
The human conscience is a weird thing, no one knows how it's there but have *(illegible)* and *(illegible)* agreed on its purpose: sustain life. *(no idea what you're talking about here)* But why does it strive to exist? For it cannot exist without death *(I was not aware of that one jellyfish that can turn itself into a child)* but death in turn cannot exist without life. Why am I writing this? *(good question!)* To impress others? *(I sincerely hope that's not what you thought this would do)* Myself? *(if so, you didn't)* Maybe to prove to myself that I can do something useful, hell if I know.
*Too many *(thoughts?)* to think of.*
My Thought Theory (like an onion), 10/4/2021
I have had ideas. I have an idea... The mind is odd; that's unargueable. But I have always thought of it in a specific way, two seperate layers, one near and the other far. The near is the main one, doing almost everything (ex:reciting what you're reading right now). It's the same layer that songs play in, thoughts in the near layer can be pushed further back, where low levels of pain reside. The higher the intensity, the closer it is and the harder it is to push. The far layer is harder to write about. Its focus is more on things like instinct, *(illegible)* and the future; never the past. It feels diffrenet when it speaks, you can't control it on command -- it *(illegible)* a while.
*But what do I know about myself? I don't know.*
Stereotypical, 10/4/2021
I know I haven't written a lot but here we are. I've been thinking that this entry should be written. But I wanted to keep this impersonal. But my journal, my rules. ... I take it back, I don't want to yet. I don't like talking (or writing) about myself *(still true, btw)*. Point being: most days are the same and I am desperately trying to keep it together with scotch tape while dying mentally from a combination of everything.
*This is a good outlet.*
Writer's Block (the first), 10/5/2021
I'm not sure what I'm writing about today, so I will let inspiration take me where it pleases. *(warning: the following section makes no sense)* Not sure where. Time to break the 4th wall's 4th wall if that makes sense?) *(no it doesn't, I fixed your grammar, and it still doesn't.)* As I have said before, I'm not sure why I'm doing this, but one thing I know I wanted to do from the start was to each passage end with something symbolic *(he means dramatic)* (ex:"I'm not hopeful") or just something true. I feel like drawing.
*Not sure what to do.*
Untitled, Undated *(probably 10/5/2021)*
I feel like writing today, not sure about what though. Out of ideas. Getting inspired is a pain without ideas.
Untitled, 10/6/2021
I don't feel like writing today
Contacting Friends, 10/21/2021
I have a special way of going about it, for example: e-mailing a friend I haven't talked to in 2 1/2 years a link to a website that looks like its about to steal your credit card information ( *(guess that site isn't around anymore)* Or sending them a cryptic message coupled with an image of an impossible lego structure with *(near-illegible and too confusing to make sense out of)* Friends are good.
*Wonder if I'll get more*
Unknown, 10/22/2021
I would like to share a personal story of mine. I know I shouldn't, just in case someone else reads this. *(someone that knows me, I meant)* But I want to do it. So Last summer, (2021's) I... there was too much happening *(illegible)* breaking apart, C-------- going off to college (to *(omitted)*) and more time spent alone than ever. I started seeing shadows move, but that was rather common, what was new was the voice. It only spoke in the dead of night. There was something uncanny about it, but also therapeutic. It never said anything that I could understand, but I had the innate feeling that it was human. *(It sounded like whispering)* Around August, it went away. I have not heard from it since.
*I wonder if I want it back...*
Comical, 11/1/2021
Today, I just feel like saying a few funny things. (Are they
funny?) *(Not nearly as bad as I was expecting)*
-"I will break your ankles" - L----. This was said to me before
(and after) issuing me a chair challenge.
-"Hey Weesome, wanna *(omitted, I'll just tell you that it rhymes
with weesome)* - L---- B--------, Said completely unprompted to W-----
K------. Not sure why.
-"Trombone players are called tromboners" - E---- M-----, That's all.
*(note: I did not come up with the following things)*
-P1: "What do you call an African-American man who can fly a plane?"
P2: "I don't know, what do you call an African-American man who
can fly a plane?
P1: "A pilot, you racist *(omitted, really anything works here)*"
-"Roses are red,
the Illuminati has triangles,
the government has fallen,
and is run by reptiles."
-"Roses are red,
bow down to your master,
the children are fast,
but Elmo is faster."
*Need more be said?*
Afterlife, 11/3/2021
Death, it's always interesting. I've always been fascinated by it. A part of me is always wondering what happens after I die. So many people have so many different ideas as to what happens, so who's to say who is right?
*Should I find out?*
Rose-Tinted, 11/3/2021
*(The origional tile of this passage, "Repeat", is crossed off)* There are too many things to think about, and most of such things are quite grim. Have you ever felt you are merely watching yourself live? *("dissociation" was not a word I knew of at this point)* I have, for long periods of time. Have you ever felt like every day is the same with the only diffrence being the date? *(The following section has been lightly scribbled out, this will be denoted by three hyphens being before and after the section ex: ---this---)* ---I think that life can be described in four words: "It doesn't get better" I think this--- *(I'm beginning to wonder if I had a eraser when I wrote this, also I am 99% sure you stole that quote from somewhere)* Will it ever get better? Will everything good become nothing more than memory?
*I want to go home.*
Untitled, Undated
*(there was space left for this entry's tile, but there's nothing there)* I hate this feeling, I want to go back. I'm only making this journal because I'll kill myself if I don't have somewhere to put my thoughts. I'm not sure how to continue this entry
Later, 12/6/2021
A lot of time has passed since my last entry, much has been *(illegible)*, but barely anything has changed. That is what convinced me to make this in the first place. Anyway, I don't know why, but I feel different, like there is another *(illegible, best guess is "way")*, whatever that means. I feel cautiously hopeful... I'm not sure why. I started to talk to an old friend recently, I've known him for around nine years now, should I tell him about my cuts? I won't... unless something happens.
*I'll just wait for something to happen.*
Thoughts (part 2), 12/6/2021
I don't know what has to happen for something to change; for the better, to be specific. I've been worrying about my family recently, my mom might be marrying someone soon (I've never met the guy) *(she didn't, she never even ended up meeting him in person, I think he also went to prison at some point)*, alongside my dad's stability (it's always worse in my head) *(illegible)* in my head of him killing himself. I've recently had thoughts of running away, starting anew, being happy, having a place I think of as home. (even if it's not the best idea this time of year)
*I don't know how to feel*
..., 12/10/2021
I started seeing her again recently, not in the way we used to. I miss those days. There were so many things I could have said to fix it. I don't know how she thinks of me now. I've decided to avoid writing her name (just in case someone else reads this), but I still miss her. I've avoided looking into her eyes...
*They make me *(iilegible)* miss you.*
Different, 12/16/2021
Something feels different today, is it something in the air? Odd how the weather can make me feel better. I feel hopeful. Like there my be the smallest chance of everything getting better.
*But just a hope, and nothing more.*
Untitled, 1/4/2022
How many times have I written "today feels different"? Well, today is, I'm taking a class I've already taken, and the teacher of that class offered to teach me woodshop... I'm not sure how this will go.
////////, 1/31/2022
It's been a longer, though, a certain and fast-approaching death is near... You *(I)* are a idiot! This is because of a ------- math grade. You *(I)* don't deserve this life. When they *(everyone)* realize it, your life will never be the same. It's the only reason they don't think of you as a failure already.
*Why couldn't you have been more like *(the next word was crossed off, pretty harshly, too)**
End, 2/9/2022
I feel better, so much better. I don't need this notebook anymore. So... goodbye reader, until I need you again.
2's Day, 2/22/2022
It's 2/22/22, and a tuesday.
*I am happier.*
Check In, 2/26/2022
I'm not sure why I'm writing this, not a whole lot has changed, except for now having my love interest's phone number. The inspiration to write a little just kinda struck me. Also, M------, If you are reading this... please don't. (I guess it's a bit late for that now, huh)
Harmless Fantasies, 3/20/2022
Not a whole lot has happened since the last update, aside from having gotten sick a number of times. I just feel like writing again, I think it's because of the calming feeling I get when writing solely for my own reasons. I still do weird things, like, for example: just this month, I tore off a partially-healed scab and wrote "hello" in my blood on the index page. *(There are also 4 blood smears on that page as well)* I also found out how to get to the *(redacted)* cafe on my own and was thinking about of asking M------ there. I wonder if this is a good pickup line: "I like sleeping, you like sleeping,"
*"Want to do it together sometime?"*
Writing Relapse, 4/18/2022
I've decided to start writing regularly again, not because pressing issues, but because I'm just in the mood to write again. I happen to be way too emotionally invested in ths journal. Life has been... odd. No the bad kind of odd, just odd. I've kinda run out of ideas for what to write. Uhh, update on M------, haven't asked her out, probably never will, but she seems happy. I haven't talked to R------ al all either.
*Update complete*
Untitled, Undated
Drawing. I like it, but I haven't been even remotely good at it for around a year now. I still get the urge to draw every once in a while.
Untitled, 4/23/2022
Sorry for forgetting to update on 4/20, I was stressed about the science and history PSAT's and the algebra ch.II test. F--- public education.
Untitled, 5/4/2022
Better (Again), 5/4/2022
I feel like I'm becoming better friends with B----- again, we got to play side-by-side in band today and I even got to scare him with trumpet sheet music (he plays trombone). I'm not sure how commited I am to the next thing, but I've started to learn more coding recently, not that much has been accomplished as of yet. I think the hardest part of it is just remembering everything, but I guess that can be brute-forced.
*Anyways, happy travels!*
Thoughts (Part Whatever), 5/5/2022
Soooo... I'm experiencing a feeling that I imagine to be similar to that of being on death row. Did you guess testing? ... Is this even enough to be a named entry? Well, hopfully, with enough stalling, it can be! I think its about long enough now. Where will this project end, *(probably here)* will it end at all?
Untitled, Undated
E---- is weird
Really weird
Untitled, Undated *(this and the next undated should be 5/5/2022)*
I am currently writing this while I'm supposed to be working on a 14-page math booklet, why does this happen to me?
Untitled, Undated
(A few minutes after the last entry) about 1/3 of this class involves doing things we're not supposed to, just waiting for it to end. And that isn't even the least productive thing being done right now. This counts as creative writing, I swear!
Bored, 5/6/2022
I'm just sitting here, waiting for something to happen, preferably the bell signaling the end of 1st hour. Why is it still even called a bell? 1. it isn't a bell, it's just some audio clip being played over the speakers and 2. It sounds nothing like any bell I've ever heard or likely ever will hear. Why hasn't there been a newer name for it? People are just lazy, I guess. Like me, who's supposed to be doing algebra right now.
*Oh well...*
Boredom, 5/6/2022
*(The / button on my keyboard doesn't click like the rest and it's annoying me way more that it has any right to)* I'm currently waiting for the rest of my robotics class to figure out how the by no means complicated proficiency scales work while I, a woodshop student *(those classes were tought be the same teacher at the same time, presentations were done it the computer lab and the woodshop people, just one other person and I, weren't allowed to work when he wasn't there)* cannot do more than wait, so I write, because, as mentioned previously, there's noting else to do... this is going to take a while...
*Because of course it will*
Untitled, 5/9/2022
I'm feeling bored and tired, is that a surprise?
US Histroy in a Nutshell, 5/9/2022
I'm unsure of my intent of writing this, but I would like to bring to light the tearing headaches I get from loud, sudden noises, *(the noise being unexpected is also an important factor, band-related things are typically fine for me)* now, this alone would be fine, however, shy/antisocial/quiet nature, teachers have a tendency to assign me next to the dumb/loud/"challenged" type kids because I'm the least likely to interact with them and cause a disturbance. So naturally, those hours are filled with headaches.
*---- you M------, seriously, ---- you!*
Untitled, 5/18/2022
My last middle school band concert happened... I wanna draw on myself with a pen. Friends are like trees, if you hit them with axe enough, they die.
And Here We Are!, 5/29/2022
Summer has officially started, and I'm starting to think that I couldn't feel worse about it. I know that every single day is going to be the same. The exact ----ing same... unless I do something about it. So, I've been thinking that I would write more. *(WOW, I could not have been more wrong.)*
Life-less Love, 5/29/2022
Ya know that self-imposed rule that states that I would never write down certain names? *(do remember that I'm talking to myself here, and that not everything I thought was written down)* Imma break that.
My overall lovelife is ----ed, completely and utterly ----ed. As of this moment, there are three people I'm considering trying to get into a serious relationship with. -- I suddenly don't want to write about it anymore.
*See you soon!*
Untitled, 6/5/2022
M----- is really cute, isn't she...
Untitled, Undated
"Stop seeking adventure in other people's gullets" - Markiplier
Untitled, 7/21/2022
"We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day."
I'm Back, 7/21/2022
Guess what? I relapsed again and my mind is in an odd place (no, not the suicidal one). But, I feel like I need you again. Band Camp is dauntingly close and I know I won't fre well.
*At least M----- and I are still friends.*
Untitled, 7/30/2022
It's just me, hopeful and anxious as usual.
R------, 8/9/2022
As the title suggests, I've been seeing her again (haven't talked to her yet). She's still so beautiful... I've ranted how things wouldn't work out between us. But ----, is that girl pretty.
*How do I start a conversation?*
R------ Update, 8/23/2022
Things went well between us, we didn't talk at all during band camp. (I did talk to M----- a lot to make it out of that one though.) Orientation was amazing, we were put into the same tour group, she made lots of dumb jokes and I couldn't help but laugh at nearly all of them. I love her.
*Of course, the only class I have with her is band, but maybe I could find her during lunch?*
Overdue Update, 10/26/2022
MP1 just ended, Z---- (R------), and I are what she calls "besties" now... which isn't exactly what I was hoping for but, oh well... I really hope she doesn't read this... Anyways, band has been okay. So life has been better overall, I feel a lot happier now. I'm thinking about either gardening or going to therapy over the summer. *(neither of those happened)* And I still have the band Disney trip to look forward to/be scared of. Also ---- R---- (the one Z----'s dating).
*Anyways, goodnight.*
Untitled, Undated
Mental Health, 10/26/2022
Gender crises suck. Also I'm thinking about going by the nickname "Avery". *(Which is now my preferred name.)* Yes, that is an effeminate name, but it's for an effeminate boy(?), *(lol)* so it's fine. I wish I had the confidence to tell her how I really feel... (about Z----, btw). I wore a rose flower crown to homecoming, so that made me feel better. Also I have a dissociation problem, and I get auditory hallucinations a lot more often, but hey, I now have what can almost be called a friend group, so that's nice.
*Yes, I still cut myself.*
Untitled, 11/01/2022
I'm not sure why I'm writing this, at least today's date looks nice... I feel drained...
Identity, 11/10/2022
Life is weird, I'm still not sure of what to make of it. *(removed, It isn't my place to write about that here)* How do I help her? Am I part of the problem? *(removed, same reason as before)*
*I just want her to feel better.*
Untitled, 11/27/2022
Had my first lucid dream today, I couldn't summon anything, *(NOPE, I am definetly not putting that on the internet. Okay, it's really not that bad, but I still don't feel comfortable (or safe) writing that here)*
Untitled, 1/3/2023
Z---- and I are dating now, btw.
Gender, 1/10/2023
I'm writing here again because I feel like I'm breaking... ---- english. Anyways, relationships are going well, and I got more justification for hating R----! I started questioning my gender quite a while ago... I think I'm a girl... Anyways,
*Skirts are cure, byeeeee*
Hi Again, 1/17/2023
I relapsed again, who the ---- decided to call these sharp---- needles safety pins? Ah well, so much for wanting to wear clothes that cover less skin... At least it works as a nice highlight with my ever-pink fingertips, it's kinda cute (in my messed-up opinion). Also, I got to take a "real" shower for the first time *(prior to this, the shower drain never worked properly, and water would pool in the bath)* it was really weird not being on a timer, being able to look at myself through the new shower curtain, I'm honestly kinda cute when I think of myself as a girl (at least Z---- thinks so). I still don't know how to come out to my parents, hell, they still don't know that I ever started cutting myself, that I'm not straight, or even that I'm dating Z----... I've even made a list of girl's chlothes I want to wear on amazon, not that I'll get the chance to use it anytime soon...
*Bye again!*
Untitled, 1/29/2023
Signed up to some *(illegible)* suicide... No, I'm not suicidal, just really lonely. I don't know what to write now... Also! Also! Also, I don't need to write down my dreams to remember them! Also I think I'm psychic... I'm not (not) crazy, I swear.
Tired, 1/3/2023
Haiya, (how do you even spell that?) I'm bored, tired, and uncomfortable, our pre-festival concert is tomorrow night, and we are sooooo screwed. Also, I have to wear a suit, and that sucks.
*Dresses are way better.*
To Go Farther, 2/27/2023
I want to start doing more with this journal again. Maybe I'll draw more? Probably not, I think I'll start recording my dreams again. I don't remember my dreams as often anymore, probably due to the lack of sleep. I love all of the little jokes I used to make here, I want to start doing this again.
*It feels like Spring.*
Untitled, Undated
I don't have anything interesting to write about right now, I just have nothing better to do, writing here does a lot to calm me. *(illegible)*
Untitled, 3/20/2023
I donreally don't have much to write about these days, but Spring starts soon, so I guess that's nice. I've been worrying about the band trip to Disney a lot recently, but if I'm lucky, maybe I'll see some old faces. Also, I figured out my gender! I'm an enby!
*Validation feels nice.*
Untitled, 6/1/23
Yeah, no, I was definitely right the first time.
Untitled, 9/30/23
I want to make the dream of 5/17/23 into a visual novel, I think I'll call it "lielight"
Untitled, 11/5/23
Started digitizing my journal today, this is going to take forever, isn't it? *(It took approximately 107 days, though I definitely could have done it a lot faster.)*
Hello World, 11/11/2023
It feels way worse to type this out than to write it (slower too, but that's on me for never learning to type properly), but I guess that's just the cost of preservation. There's a recent realization of mine that's kinda scared me, my ability to picture images in my head is so much worse than it used to be. It's all just scratchy outlines now, I can't even reliably do color anymore--and that's terrifying. Thinking back on it now, I can now recognize that I think it's been happening since I was in early elementary school. I'm sad now.
*That's all.*
A Last day, 12/31/2023
Today's date is 12/31/23, that's all
Freak, 1/12/2024
There's something wrong with me, (okay, maybe I should be more specific) I don't get cold. Well, I do, but my thresholds are so far beyond everyone I've ever known that I think there's some system in me that's seriously broken. I can just force myself to not be cold, not to shiver, not to care. My record for not shivering in everyday clothes is -15F (or -26C). I have no idea what caused this (actually, we'll get back to that) but I've never found anyone online that shares my experiences. I have a... memory? memory of a dream? (had to have been) I couldn't have been more than like 8, I remember standing outside, near a gas station. It was so, so cold. So cold it hurt. So cold it burned. So cold I felt warm again, and I don't remember anything connected to that event. But there's something that isn't right about this:
*I have NEVER felt temperature in a dream.*
Happy (why?), 1/17/2024
So often does my mind comes back to quote "Happy people don't get stories told about them". I don't remember where it's from but it stuck with me. It gives me the feeling, and the hope, that I will be remembered by people who never knew me. Ironically, that thought makes me happy. As of writing, the "lielight stuff" page is almost empty. I was planning on eventually adding my inspiration there as well, the vibes and message of that dream match so perfectly with how I feel in this moment. I think I'll do that next... I'm going to die working, aren't I? Why am I so happy with that, so content? I guess my work just makes me happy.
*"Hot venom is mixing with my blood"*
Horrible Anticipation, 1/21/2024
Earlier today, when Dad was pulling up in the driveway after work, my mind filled with a repeated thought: "I want to be alone". He hadn't done anything wrong, I was having a good day, and previously considered myself to be in very well mental health (for my standards, at least). I couldn't get the thought to leave, it was entirely overwhelming. I haven't left my room since. I'm starting to be afraid of myself, looking back at that memory is kind of terrifying. What if I could be told to do something worse? I'm so scared. The worst part is that I'm almost certain I won't tell anyone about this. I hate feeling broken. I hate when people hurt themselves trying to help me. I hate being broken. The short-sleeved band concert dress is the only thing stopping my arms from being bloodied by my old boxcutter. I still keep it at my bedside, my only hope is that my resolve won't break. I could really use its comfort right now. All of this reminds me of a song lyric: "'Cause you just want to take a faster ride, lower lows, higher highs". I don't want to isolate myself from everyone else again. Treatment for everything wrong with me is far too expensive. I don't see a way out other than just hoping. Hoping this is just a repeat of last time. Hoping that if I try to make it end again, I'll fail again. Hoping it won't be noticed or cared about. That's the only my I see myself being okay. Will this diary ever leave my hands?
*I swear I'll be okay, and if I'm not, you won't have to deal with me anymore.*
Untitled, 1/29/2024
Don't mind me, just cutting the tips off of pens to harvest their ink for a necklace, because I felt like it. Is there a way to both keep my terrible sleep schedule and not be so tired all the time? Y'know, it's kinda a shame I'm not hooked on caffeine or drugs, I would get so much more done if I were. I'm tired. :(
Check-Up, 3/5/2024
Been a while since I've been here, huh. I relapsed again, but what else is new? Every once in a while I look out and think "Avery, what the actual ---- is wrong with you?". I should hate this more, shouldn't I? I don't, I love the feeling it gives me, I love the look of my arms covered in cuts highlighted with beautifully red blood, and I love the scars left behind. It all makes me so happy. I've never gone to therapy, hell, I don't think I've gone to the doctor's for a regular check-up since elementary school. Sometimes, I love this world, even if it hates me. ... What the hell am I talking about? I was having suicidal thoughts as recently as ----ing YESTERDAY. I don't know. Anyways, I've been worried about my future, as usual. I can't think of much else,
*Just happy to be here, I guess!*
Untitled, 3/5/2024
I don't feel thankful often, (or at all, really,) but I'm thankful for all of you reading this, It means a lot to me that you, someone I'll likely never know, is taking time out of their day just to listen to me. Thank you.
Untitled, 3/9/2024
Aaaaaaaaand I'm already back to wanting to kill myself. Why can't I just stay happy?
Untitled, 3/13/2024
An idea popped into my head today, a scene and a name. We'll see what comes of it. I'm thinking of using it as a test-run for everything I want lielight to be.
Untitled, 3/14/2024
For the past while, since I got the app free from some event, I've been learning to use RPG Maker XP. There's still quite a few more basic things I need to figure out first, but its a start. I really feel hopeful about this. Oh, and the name mentioned earlier was "Westfall".
Possibility, 3/30/2024
Yesterday, I came across a curious post in r/homestuck (truly the best possible start to a story). Someone wanted to make a fan-adventue and was looking for help, I, being the tired, questionable-decision maker I am, joined. I want to make something amazing, but I have no idea what I'm doing and am kinda ----ing terrified. I feel like I won't be able to be useful enough. But, I'm still going to try.
*Maybe this will be my real start.*
Do It Yourself, 6/2/2024
That project died weeks ago, most of my collaborators were even younger and more hopeless than I was/am. I told myself I wouldn't give up on it. In the end, I never did give up on it. But everyone else did. Maybe one day, I'll make a project graveyard page and fill it with everything we made (which was a lot). I did something morally questionable 2 days ago, it's been interesting to see how I've been dealing with it. I started working on Westfall again as soon as I accepted that, that comic, "Skaia's The Limit" was dead. Progress on Westfall has been going well. Feeling is difficult.
*If you want it done right...*
Untitled, 6/10/2024
"Because I am a feeling and I will never end."
Forgo, 6/30/2024
On occasion, I am content with allowing my thoughts, feelings, and experiences die in my head, forgotten. However, I don't believe "forgotten" does its status justice, for the information those moments contained was never held. What is forgotten can be remembered. That is not the case, they were simply passed over, never even given a chance. I hate that I'm like this. I hate it so much. I am a waste. On a equally cheery note, someone I know well, but have no pity for (they've only ever tried to hurt me), was hurt 2 days ago. Not by me and not intentionally. They're so weak. I've found I resent them more after this. How can someone let themselves be so hurt by someone else's words? I still don't even know what exactally set them off because nothing happened to them! Nothing I could even interpret as being harmful was said. And the dumbest part? They've just shut themselves away! Talking to them is probably going to be like walking through a minefield for months, if such an opportunity is even going to exist! Said person 21 btw, way too old to be responding like this. They'll never make it.
*And even if there was anything I could do to help, I wouldn't*
Another Magic Moment, 7/4/2024
Every once in a while, I feel alive again. It just happened, and I can already feel it fading. But I will remember it untill the next, and long after it as well. Because sometimes all you need is to be alone in the dark at 2 in the morning with something unhealthy in your hand and a nightcore remix of "Back On Track" in your ear. I find it funny that my current earbud has stayed working longer than any other pair I've ever had, dispite my amputation of its broken other half months and months ago. Everything has been going okay (enough).
*Maybe its just like me*
Untitled, 7/4/2024
Also this is one of the worst holidays. I'm supposed to go outside, talk to people, be patriotic, and wear colors that aren't black? **** you! As if I needed any more reasons than I already have to hate living in this country with every fiber of my being. I'm still considering the idea of skipping the border into Canada if Trump wins. Anyways, 1.5/10 holiday, the fireworks (the only "good" part) hurt my eyes and ears and every other aspect of it blows.
I Don't Know, 7/29/2024
It's been a while hasn't it? I've taken longer breaks from this, and quite a few of those at that, but this one has felt the longest. I hate having to be awake during the day. The inescapable light hurts my eyes, its hotter, and it's so much harder for me to justify not being productive. I've been thinking about the future a lot lately, I'm no less worried than before, but after thinking for a while, it all feels more in my control? Probably because my general life plans involve pushing myself away from everyone and everything I've ever known, . Some small part of me still thinks I'll be okay some day. I wonder if I'll have to give up my love. I doubt I'll be able to convince them to leave with me. As much as I love them, they love their family and were raised a lot differently then I was. Am I selfish for not wanting to be alone? Would I be selfish for leaving? Probably, but it's my choice that I'm making for my own health and safety. I started driver's training today (2 years late, I know, but I'm not exactly the most motivated considering it's unlikely I'll have a car before my late twenties). I saw someone there I used to know, I would even go as far as to consider us friends, dispite foregetting her name. She never knew mine, only ever called me "mister" for whatever reason, but I was still cis then so I didn't mind. I'm not going to talk to her, I'd rather just have the memories. In other news, Westfall is progressing well, I have one of the two(?) main storylines figured out and I'm really proud of it. I hope I never lose this feeling. I get the feeling something bad will happen to me, everything will fall apart and I'll never be okay again... was I ever okay to begin with? A number of years ago, I met someone, someone who has had just about every bad experience that could be fit into the life of a kid, they'd been beaten, raped, attemped suicide multiple times, a past partner of their's killed themselves, and they'd been in and out of psych wards their whole life. I know all of this because we used to be friends. As far as texting went, I was always the initiator. I'd like to think I helped them a lot, got them though a number of breakdowns and just tried to make them happier. One day, we just stopped talking. Nothing happened, no argument, no goodbye, no anything. We just stopped one day. We haven't talked in years. They're still alive, we still go to the same school, and I still have their number and mine hasn't changed. But they seem fine? Well, at least better then when I knew them. I don't know what to do. A part of me wishes I'd lived the same torture so I knew what happened to me. As far as mental stability goes, I'd say we were on about an equal level back then. But I don't think I've improved in the slightest. But nothing anywhere near as bad as what happened to them happened to me. I'm sure I'll kill myself someday. Maybe then I'll be happy.
*The earbud from 7/4 broke days ago.*
metalxbutterfly, 8/18/2024
A few days ago the only working charger for my laptop broke, and I have not been able to do anything since. It has been driving me insane. Under no other circumstances would I be writing this right now on my phone with painful lag and an incredibly inconsistent connection. But something terrible has happened. metalxbutterfly, another neocites user has deleted (or possibly privated and deleted the front page of) her account. Because I haven't been able to use my laptop, I hadn't checked my site in days. When I did check up on it (like an hour ago) I was missing a follower, and someone I followed was gone. Because I've never had more than 2 followers at once, I figured out who it was immediately. was a place I loved greatly. The writings within brought me so much comfort. Considering how little I've been able to find on the author, I doubt I'll be able to find her, but that doesn't mean I won't keep trying. I'm worried about her. Really worried. I really hope she's okay. We never reached out to each other. I thought about reaching out weeks ago thinking I could do it later but I didn't and now I can't. I feel like I lost a friend. Please if you're here reach out to me. I really think we would have been great friends and I don’t want this story to end here. Please
*Your diary made it so I will never forget you.*
I Don't Know, 8/30/2024
I found her! But also because of the different site it's all hosted on, I still can't contact her. Maybe its supposed to be like this... I don't know. Also, why did that need to be so difficult to find???? The only way I could find it was quote search it to get to a random journal entry (because the index is gone), get as close to the present as possible, and mess with the url, checking every single day she could have wrote to get to a page that's never been linked to that had the link to her new sites location. Is it creepy that I went that far? Probably. But whatever. It's not like I can do anything about it anyways. In other news, I've been super sick lately, well I'm only kinda sick now, but yesterday was a bit scary. Sore and dry throat, watery eyes, overall weakness, and really bad pain in my heart everytime it beat, while consistantly going a 1.4x-ish speed. So yeah, that was a thing. As usual, I didn't tell anyone. All of this feels... poetic? I don't know how. Don't worry about it.
*This story kinda sucks.*
Overworked, 9/22/2024
I want to kill myself. It's been so long since I've been able to do anything creative. I don't have the time for it anymore, and that wasn't even a choice I made! I want to hurt someone, but I know it's just going to be me again. On a related note, My first-ever therapy session will be on october 16th. I don't know how to feel about it. I don't know how to feel. Will I learn again what it feels like to not hate being alive for more then a little while at a time? I hate this. I hate all of this. I hate living like this. Ha, as if there were any other option. AS IF IT WERE MY CHOICE. But is wasn't and never will be. This is a parasite and it will kill me. I'm so tired. I'm so tired and I can't fucking do anything anymore.
*I'll never make it out of this.*
Again, 10/19/2024
I feel stronger and better in this moment than I perhaps ever have. Every daunting thing before me collapsed, and I am why. I once again have that childhood feeling of believing and having reason to belive that I am better than almost all of my peers. Also I just had one of those energy-bursts again so I guess that probably helped. But that gives me worry, if this is the high, what's the low? Will there be one? I won't know untill it happens.
*So I wait in anticipation.*
Untitled, 10/19/24
It's been like 3 minutes and I'm already back to feeling mid, maybe I was right when I guessed I was getting mood swings. Could definiely still be something else though.
Untitled, 10/28/24
Totally right on the mood swings. On an unrelated note, I found some inspiration today. A character I fell in love with that happened to have a lack of content to call their own and an interesting concept. Only time can tell what I'll do with this.
Untitled, 1/24/25
It's been a while, huh? I'm mostly just writing this because I feel like I should; a lot has happened. I stopped going to therapy, I didn't think there was any realistic room for improvment. Also someone in my grade died, I didn't know her though, so I don't really care. I started work on westfall again, so I guess that's cool. I also got pretty decent at gd, beating Stalemate and Poltergeist. Wish me luck on Cata! Also I love using :3 wayyyyy too much lol. :3
Untitled, 2/12/25
I want to kill myself. I'm still depressed. I was happier earlier today. This is so much crueler; being reminded of what I'm missing a couple days a month just to fall back before the day is over. I gave up on doing co-op next year; I'm not good enough. I have no experience in anything and didn't take any of the classes I was never told I was supposed to. My hope for the future has changed, I think something in comsci could be enjoyable. I kept keeping myself from the idea because it's probably the most volatile field you could go into, but I realized, that person that's better than you, faster and smarter, that's me. I'm going to be the one their afraid of. I promise you. Still want to kill myself tho. I wish I were crying more. Not enough water I guess. I fucking hate being alive. I am in a prison I'll never escape from. Though I guess it hardly matters; I'd never make it out anyways. It's all so bullshit. I've been like this since I was 11. That's part of why I'll never belive in god, what sick fuck does that to a kid? She had her whole life ahead of her and now I'm here. In the wrong body at the worst time, running out of reasons to keep going. Bastard. I'll kill myself one day. Maybe I'll be happy then. No I won't. I never have been and I never will be. Maybe I was never supposed to be here at all. I wish everything just ended.
Chance Meeting, 2/15/2025
Something really strange just happened, it's almost midnight, and I hear screaming. Initially I thought it was in the video I was watching, but I played it back and it wasn't. More screams, high-pitched, must have been a kid, again, it's almost midnight, and while this isn't Saginaw, it isn't far from it and I've not felt safe outside since I was a kid and didn't know anything. Adrenaline rushes into my veins, something that hasn't needed to happen for a proper reason for a long time. The screaming sounded close-by. I didn't think and walked to the window. I saw two people directly across the street, the one in a white coat slowly backing away from an advancing one in black. I began panicking and assumed someone was about to have their life ruined. Less than a second after, I see two more people in black approach the two from before, coming up behind the person who was turned away. I hear another scream but I realize it wasn't coming from the group and it wasn't one of panic, it was just some kid playing at night. I keep watching the group through the window. I wasn't right before, they all seem happy, a group of friends adventuring together, wandering around at night on a street with nothing of interest on it. I would love to do something like that. I thought about joining them, making some friends, some memories, but I didn't. They walk away together opposite the way they came. ... It made me think... am I wrong about the world? I don't understand. I just don't understand. This feels like a sign. Something so absurdly accidental that went against my cruel view of the world couldn't be anything else, could it? I don't look for signs, but wat if they looked for me? I wish I were with them. I wish I knew what it was like.
*Maybe I still can.*
Untitled, 3/2/25
I think I might start working on this place more often again, it's a lot less stressful than all of the alternatives that let me feel like I not wasting my time. I remember enjoying this, so why stop?
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