*Heya, everyone!*
(Updates occasionally)
Here are the things I'd like to do here in the future:
- A full transcription of my dream diary (maybe)
- Write progress updates on the story I'm writing (*planning) (when I have the time)
- Make the formatting of the gallery better (when I figure out how)
- Add more to the lielight stuff page
- Start/finish the characters and lore pages
- Whatever else sounds cool (open to ideas)
Feel free to use the chatbox on the right if you want to talk to me (for whatever reason)
Cool Websites
My Tumblr
(There'll be more stuff here as time goes on... maybe.)
Most recent changes/what I've been doing:
2/12: Vented in Diary
2/15: Wrote something important in Diary
3/2: (Finally) updated profile
3/2: Added the Project Graveyard page! (it's in projects)